Which Facial Fillers are Permanent? A Comprehensive Guide

Restylane and Juvederm are the most common temporary fillers and last between 6 and 12 months. Semi-permanent fillers include Radiesse and Sculptra and last 1 to 2 years. Artefil and grease are the most common permanent fillers. When it comes to cosmetic injections, permanent facial fillers may look attractive, given that they supposedly last a lifetime.

However, substances that are permanent cannot be easily adjusted. Time and aging will eventually affect the skin and bones. Facial bones will shrink and atrophy over time. Using permanent fillers or permanent cosmetic injections can make you look “unusual” or unattractive in just a few years.

When a more permanent solution to facial wrinkles is desired, PMMA is often used instead of collagen replacement therapy or hyaluronic therapy. PMMA has been used for many years in permanent surgical implants. Because of this, the surgeon is likely to perform underfilling in the first treatment and add more in the future if necessary. Temporary dermal fillers or permanent dermal fillers are used to restore and rejuvenate facial skin without any invasive procedures.

This is done by injecting hyaluronic fillers (HA) into the skin. Injections help restore structural support by imparting volume to the skin envelope. Two permanent products are currently in use. One is the FDA-approved Bellafill.

Another permanent “filler” is silicone oil, which is not approved by the FDA for cosmetic use for wrinkles or any other purpose outside of eye surgery for retinal detachment. We offer two different types of temporary fillers that are most commonly used to fill in the appearance of facial wrinkles, fill in the lips, lift the cheeks, smooth the skin and more. He points out: “It took me 12 years to make temporary fillers before I actually decided to make permanent fillers. New wrinkles can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections, and lost volume can be replaced with high-quality dermal filler injections, not limited to a permanent filler that suddenly looks “wrong” or “out of balance”.

Dermal fillers are very popular means to rejuvenate a face with reduced volume or to improve certain facial features, such as lips or cheekbones. Using permanent fillers can create unrealistic expectations in people who see it as a cure for everything; just like temporary fillers. Temporary dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections can be modified to accommodate natural facial changes over time. Cosmetic injections can temporarily prevent the natural progression of facial aging and correct volume loss that would lead to a sunken or wrinkled facial appearance.

And that approved fillers based on temporary filling solution are superior for numerous reasons compared to options for permanent fillers or even lip augmentation surgery. One of the disadvantages of permanent fillers is that there are reports that a single injection of a permanent filler can develop foreign body-like cells, such as nodules. Dr. Gavin Chan points out that once you have undergone a permanent filling treatment, you cannot mix it with temporary fillers because of the risk of developing an infection or complications, including sequelae.

When you add a permanent filler to the dermal layers of the skin, a filler that, unlike an approved temporary filler solution (the good quality time marks), adds a substance that does NOT exist naturally in the body. Andres Gantous from Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery is a world-renowned facial plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience working in the field. He has seen firsthand how permanent facial fillers can cause more harm than good when used incorrectly or without proper guidance from an experienced professional. Permanent facial fillers may seem like an attractive option due to their supposed longevity; however, they cannot be easily adjusted over time as our skin changes with age and our facial bones shrink and atrophy.

Furthermore, there is a risk of developing foreign body-like cells such as nodules when using permanent fillers, which can lead to infection or other complications if mixed with temporary fillers. Temporary dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections are superior options for numerous reasons compared to permanent fillers or lip augmentation surgery as they can be modified over time to accommodate natural changes in our faces due to aging and other factors. Approved temporary filler solutions provide structural support by imparting volume to our skin envelope while preventing further progression of facial aging.

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